Currently booking graphic design and website work for October 2024.  Phone 021 856 855

GeoExchange NZ


GeoExchange NZ focuses on clean renewable energy solutions with ground-source geoheat solutions. A new identity was required to represent the specialised services that they're launching in New Zealand.

The technical and organic nature of ground source energy

GeoExchange specialises in geothermal energy solutions. They are based in Australia and required a new identity that would resonate with their new clients and projects starting up in New Zealand.

To signify this area of sustainable energy, an icon was developed that captures the geothermal continual loop cycle from hot to cold and vice versa. The clean lines and symmetry make this logo icon fit into a science, engineering and technical industry.

Considering the different platforms this logo would be used across, horizontal, stacked and icon-only versions were developed to cover the small and large placements this logo would feature on. 

Locking in a full-brand identity

When an organisation moves into a new market, it's important that your design and marketing establish not just your expertise, but a sense of trust. By using clarity and consistency with their branding, an organisation is consciously conveying the right message to its clients. 

At the onset of any new project, have a clear and established brand identity set up to work across all the platforms you'll require in the future. A logo for a larger enterprise should have the features to work at any size and across all touchpoints it will encounter. Therefore a responsive brand mark that works as a stacked, horizontal and abbreviated symbol is recommended.

The brand kit is handed over with supporting documentation so any supplier can check that they are keeping everything consistent. If you'd like to discuss a brand identity or design refresh, get in touch.

After a new graphic identity or a refresh?

At Papercrane Design we have a massive interest in graphic design for the science and tech sector. 

If you have a business or an idea in this sector, get in touch for a chat about how a visual identity and supporting design can greatly help with communicating your expertise, setting up presentation document templates for promotional use and/or funding sources if required.  


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